Are you conscious of the fact your feet, particularly your heels, are looking really dry, so dry, they’re cracking? Because we don’t closely look at our feet every single day, especially in the winter, it can be easy to neglect our tootsies.
But we should ideally give them a bit of regular TLC, particularly if you’re planning on wearing flip flop or sandals all summer long and want your feet to look nice. Just like our hands, our feet need to be regularly moisturised, our toe nails clipped and the hard skin that builds up on our heels over time, needs to be sloughed away every now and then.
But that doesn’t mean we get time to do these things or remember to do them, given the fact our feet are usually covered up with socks, boots, slippers or shoes most of the time. If this is you, and your feet and heels are a little dry and cracking in places, and you’re not sure how to fix them, keep reading.
This article is your guide to heel cracking cream. It contains everything you need to know about sorting your dry heels out and includes some of our top product picks, which also happen to have been highly rated by our customers too.