"When I was in my 20s, I really suffered during my periods and around that time. For the first two days of my period I'd be bed-bound, my back would be very stiff, and I'd have pains in my legs and hips. I would also experience a really low mood beforehand."
"Now I've adapted my lifestyle - this includes what I eat, and how I practise yoga to help ease the pain of my periods."
"In particular, I do poses that connect to the feminine - goddess pose is a wide-leg squat that's good for opening your hips and anchoring you to the earth. I also practise moon salutations, which are a sequence of movements that can be soothing for period pain."
"I'm learning more about yoga nidra, which includes visualisation, intention-setting and self-awareness, because it helps me relax and reset - I need that quietening down at certain times of the month."
"I use an app to track my cycle and that's great for my partner, because he likes meal prepping. It sends notifications to let him know, for example, when I'm in my luteal phase - root vegetables are good at this time as they give sustained energy to help balance mood."
"Halfway through your cycle is a nice time to check in with how you feel as your hormones fluctuate. It helps me plan ahead. For example, I find I'm more sociable during ovulation, so that's a good time to meet up with friends."