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Have you heard of the GOLO? This diet became popular around 2016 – one of the most searched for diets - and has been gaining momentum in the weight-loss world ever since, but does it actually work?
With the help of our in-house nutritionist, we will research and review the GOLO diet, so you don’t have to.
Although it is known as the GOLO diet, the GOLO Release supplement and Metabolic Plan claim to have nothing to do with the diet industry. In fact, they condemn it.
Their theory is that most diets and diet products simply take your money, maybe help you to lose weight initially, but ultimately cause you to put it all back on and then some.
Now, this all sounds pretty sensible at the moment, what seems less sensible is what GOLO blames for all this weight loss and diet failure: insulin resistance.
The whole GOLO diet is based around improving your insulin resistance in order to lose weight and keep it off. They provide you with the supplement and a diet handbook called the Metabolic Plan to help you do this.
Insulin resistance is when the cells in our body don’t react normally to the hormone insulin. It often leads to prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes.1
Insulin’s main role is to allow cells in our body to absorb glucose, which is then used as fuel or saved for later use as body fat.
When insulin isn’t released properly when we need it – when there is glucose in the blood stream after we eat or drink foods containing sugars or protein – the body can struggle with dangerously high sugar levels.
Then, in a panic, our bodies will often produce too much insulin, which isn’t healthy either.
Counting calories – want to learn more about it? This article provides a useful overview of all things calorie-related, from totting them up to the best way to lose weight.
GOLO claims that each time you lose weight on a yo-yo diet that doesn’t last, your insulin resistance will worsen.2
They claim this will slow down your metabolism, affect the hormones that control your weight, cause fat storage, and increase your chances of developing serious health conditions.
The GOLO diet focuses on the hormone insulin as being the main issue for people who are doing everything right but still can't seem to lose weight.
The GOLO program's website claims that out-of-whack insulin levels can interfere with weight loss, even if you’re eating healthy foods and exercising regularly, as it causes fat storage and slows your metabolism.”3
Insulin is not the master regulator of body fat storage and there is a large body of evidence comparing weight loss in people with diabetes using a low carbohydrate or high carbohydrate approach showing no difference in overall fat loss. High insulin does not prevent fat loss as this is determined by your overall calorie intake.
So, how do you explain all the weight loss success stories and studies on the GOLO website? We think there may be more important factors at play than mere insulin when it comes to GOLO.
GOLO is often sold in membership-length bundles, e.g. 30-, 60-, or 90-days’ worth of the GOLO Release weight loss supplement (that is supposed to manipulate how your body distributes insulin…), along with diet guidance called the ‘Metabolic Plan’.
The diet requires no calorie counting, doesn’t cut out any food groups, and
The Metabolic Plan simply advises you to eat the following food groups:4
GOLO claims that is it not a fad or conventional diet, and instead provides you with a realistic and manageable plan to target a slow metabolism.
The meals in the plan seen to be quite healthy yet substantial. GOLO claim following the plan and taking their supplement will result in a leaner body mass, with inch loss from all over your body, including your waist.
It doesn’t even demonise ‘indulgent’ foods, claiming that ‘as your metabolism improves, your body is able to steadily burn fat and not store it, even if you indulge.’
“Encouraging a healthy, balanced diet with no food off-limits is a positive thing. The GOLO Metabolic Plan encourages nourishing your body with a variety of nutrients and fuel your metabolism instead of depriving it like you would in a regular crash diet – which again, is very sensible guidance”.5
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A big part of GOLO for life is the Release supplement you are told to take several times a day while adhering to the Metabolic Plan.6
GOLO claim that this patented supplement is plant and mineral based, and supports:
And this is ‘The Science Behind GOLO’ that they have on their website:7
“Controlling glucose, maintaining healthy insulin levels and eliminating conventional starvation dieting is the secret to lasting weight loss and wellness. Now you can easily reach your goals and enjoy food without guilt or fear of gaining weight. You simply take 1 Release with your meals, eat balanced meals, and eliminate diet foods.”
GOLO claim that this supplement consists of 7 plant extracts and 3 minerals blended together to stop weight gain and reverse insulin resistance in your body so that is can release stored fat.
Apparently, it can target visceral fat by balancing carbohydrate- and fat-regulating hormones, and controls cravings, stress and hunger in between meals.
GOLO Release contains the following extracts:
GOLO claim that the ingredients in Release work together to help you achieve steady weight loss that is sustainable by:
Other benefits include:
*What they fail to mention on the GOLO website it where to find the data and results of most of these studies."
They do mention (but not link to) one study on their website where overweight people taking Release lost significantly more inches around their waists, overall weight, as well as lowered their health risk markers more than the participants who received a placebo.
However, this is the only information provided, and further information on this study or any of their other studies is not currently available.
The GOLO website claims that the ingredients in release have been proven for their efficacy and safety in over 30 studies, but without that information, it is hard to believe.
As mentioned above, they do contain one study with some vague information on it, but again, there’s a severe lack of information on exactly how this supplement can ‘work together to address the underlying cause of weight gain and help support your metabolism’.
However, Release does contain chromium, which can help to maintain normal blood sugar levels, and consequently reduce cravings and help to regulate appetite, so that’s something in GOLO’s favour.
Another thing to be wary of is GOLO’s claim that Release:
Also, it is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA - its country of origin.
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Each GOLO plan varies in price, with the 30-60 day option + GOLO for Life Plan costing $49.95 and the 90-150 day option costing $99.90, making it quite costly indeed.
Yes, you do not need a prescription to purchase GOLO products.
Nobody can really answer that for sure as everyone is different and different things work for everyone. However, here’s what we found from the GOLO website and what our nutritionist thinks about it.
According to their one study on their website, supposed other studies, GOLO diet reviews and success story page on their website: yes!
For example, one couple claim to have lost 200lbs together in just 1 year since using GOLO and ‘everything about GOLO worked’ for them. Another woman lost 51lbs and 29 inches in 37 weeks and can ‘now enjoy activities’ with her family and is now her husband’s ‘hiking buddy’.
GOLO also share the following health benefits their customers have reported:
The GOLO Release supplement may help people to lose weight, but it’s unregulated and its health claims are not backed up by sufficient studies – one’s that are available to review anyway. The studies you can access are funded by GOLO too, which suggests that the results may not be totally reliable.
However, this is not to say that some of the individual ingredients in Release may support weight loss. Chromium, for example, has been proven to help maintain healthy blood sugars, which can reduce cravings and regulate appetite.
The real benefits of the GOLO diet plan, which may be helping people lose weight the most, is the teaching and encouragement provided to help people make long-lasting healthy lifestyle changes.
Eating a balanced diet full of the nutrients you need and not restricting any foods can lead to a healthier relationship to food and cause the body to maintain a healthy weight. These are key weight loss principles.
Although not explicitly prescribed, exercise is encouraged in the plan, which will help people eating a healthy, balanced diet to achieve the calorie deficit needed for weight loss.
The focus on insulin resistance as the main factor in weight and fat gain is not based in scientific fact, so be wary of this part.
So yes, GOLO could help you to lose weight, but it may have more to do with to its general advice on diet and making life-long changes rooted in key weight-loss principles.
If you want some more general diet and weight management advice that you don’t have to get shipped from the USA, you may enjoy:
Last updated: 12 May 2021
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