Sometimes dry scalps and dandruff can be caused by bacteria and fungi growth, and it turns our apple cider vinegar could help with that.
Research suggests that
apple cider vinegar could limit the growth of certain fungi and bacteria.
And there are also ingredients that dry scalps don’t like, including:
Exfoliants are used in skincare and haircare products to tackle flakiness and strip away dead skin cells.
However, this exfoliation process can cause the skin to dry out, so it’s best to avoid for those with dry scalps.5
If you do want to exfoliate with dry skin, then look for products containing milder exfoliators, like bromelain, willow bark, papain, allantoin and citric acid.6
Astringents tone and tighten the skin by pulling water from the upper layers of the skin. They tend to dry the skin out, so should be avoided by those with dry scalps or skin. Look out for salt, alcohol and witch hazel.7