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The days of believing that self-care and grooming as being something that only women indulge in are thankfully long gone.
More and more men are now realising that taking care of their skin is essential and there is an ever-growing range of products designed specifically for use on male skin.
When it comes to skincare, the first thing that most people think of is moisturiser, as it is one of the cornerstones of any facial skincare routine.
This is just as important for the male sex, so we looked at a few of the reasons why.
It might seem like we are all made from the same stuff, but there are a few subtle differences.
This is largely due to the testosterone hormone, which gives the skin a different structure.
Male skin is approximately 25% thicker than female skin.1 It also contains more collagen which tends to give it a tighter and firmer appearance.
Unlike in female skin, the collagen in male skin reduces at a constant rate, making the ageing process in women seem more severe.
The signs of ageing in men appear later and they are characterised by sagging skin, puffy eyes and dark circles.
Men tend to have more sebaceous glands which are larger, which means their skin is oilier and shinier and has a lower pH level, making it more prone to impurities and acne. This is one huge reason why men should be taking good care of their skin.
The way men treat their skin is also a factor, as shaving can create massive stress for the skin. It can increase sensitivity and irritation by removing the upper layer of the skin.
One of the biggest things that has put men off from using skincare products has been the scent.
Once upon a time, moisturiser was something that was thick, heavy and smelt as though you had fallen face-first into a flower bed.
Happily, that is no longer the case, and fragrances such as sandalwood, aloe vera and chestnut are now prevalent.
Given how different male and female skin can be, it is important to make sure that you use a face moisturiser suited to your specific skin type.
Moisturising is a tool that can help in the battle against the ageing process, so the best men's face cream is one which helps you to retain the moisture that keeps your skin looking plump and can slow the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
An oil free moisturiser for men can be beneficial due to the heavy sebum production they experience, whilst a beard moisturiser can help to combat the irritation brought about by the growing of facial hair. If you do suffer from dry skin, then a moisturiser is a must. It will help to restore the moisture your skin has lost and will provide you with a glow that makes you look healthy and well.
Whatever skincare you use, caring for your skin should be of paramount importance.
There is no better way to take care of your skin than to protect it from the harmful rays of the sun. It is therefore vital to buy a men’s moisturiser with SPF of at least 30 within it, to ensure you are always shielded from UV rays.2
Once you have faced the glare of the daytime, remember to reapply your moisturiser before bed, as it will leave you with hydrated, better-looking skin the following morning.
Don’t forget, it is not just your face that needs moisturising. There are also body moisturisers for men that can help to protect all of your skin from the ravages of time and the environment.
We all want our skin to look and feel healthy, and it is important to remember that moisturiser plays a key part in this.
The best men's moisturiser is the one that actually makes its way onto your face.
Leaving it in the bathroom cupboard will not help, so using any form of moisturiser twice a day will have at least some benefit when it comes to making sure your skin is in good condition.
Last updated: 4 March 2021