When should I take chromium supplements?
You can get all the chromium you need from eating a balanced diet. If you have diabetes or insulin resistance, only take chromium supplements under medical supervision as it may change how much insulin you need.18
Should children take chromium supplements?
Children eating a healthy, balanced diet should be getting all the chromium they need.19 If you’re worried they’re not, talk to your GP before giving them supplements.
Should women take a chromium supplement during pregnancy?
Chromium supplements are not advised during pregnancy, unless recommended by your doctor or midwife.20
What are the potential benefits of chromium?
Scientists think low chromium levels may impact on cholesterol levels in the body. In a 2018 study, Chinese researchers reported that people with higher chromium levels were more likely to have healthy levels of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol.21 So, chromium may help protect your heart, too.