While lesser known in the vitamin family, vitamin F is a key building block of membranes. Find out about this vitamin here, including foods and function.
People take tissue salts for conditions including fever and skin problems, but do they actually work? Discover what the evidence says here.
Devil’s claw is a plant used for joint pain. It also has other health benefits. Discover what these are, how much you need as well as side effects here.
Clinical trials carried out on apple cider vinegar have shown it has some health benefits. Find out what they are and more about apple cider vinegar here.
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant – an essential vitamin that helps protect the body.
Vitamin B6 is needed for healthy brain function, working with neurons transmitting messages in the brain .
Vitamin B helps the body use carbohydrates and sugar as energy, and plays a key role in nerve, muscle and heart function. Visit the website to find out more.
Valerian is a herb renowned for its calming effect. Get a better understanding of the health benefits of valerian, how to use it and its side-effects here.
Black cohosh, also known as Cimicifuga racemosa, is used for a range of health issues. Find out the benefits of black cohosh, symptoms it eases and more here.
What does St John’s wort, a flowering plant, do? It could help brain health for one. Here's more information on the plant, including dosage and side-effects.
This vital vitamin helps your body convert food into energy. Discover the benefits of vitamin B12, how much you need, food sources, and supplements here.
Part of the B-vitamin family, vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, helps your body break down food. This piece covers vit B5 foods and much more.