15% off €25
You’ll get instant access to your Rewards for Life digital card and account
Rewards for Life is our loyalty programme, available instore and online. Collect points when you shop, and we’ll turn them into money off vouchers to spend with us. Earn 4 points per €1 spent and get €3 towards your first money off voucher when you join.
The name and email address on both your Rewards for Life account and online account will need to be the same, this will allow for the accounts to match. Once your online account has been set up, your Rewards for Life membership will be linked to your online account.
To update your Rewards for Life membership details, contact customer services on 01 517 6229. If you have an online account with us already and would like to link your Rewards for Life membership, review our article How do I add my loyalty card to my online account?
You can track your Rewards for Life points balance and any available money off vouchers in your online account, within the 'Rewards' section of the website. Follow this link to create an account if you don’t have one already.