There’s a reason why vitamins for children exist, and that’s because it is fine for children, even babies, to be given a vitamin supplement.
In fact, it’s something that’s recommended by the Government.
All children aged between 6 months and 5-years-old should be given vitamin supplements containing vitamins A, C and D every day.
Breastfeeding babies should be given a daily vitamin D supplement from birth, whether or not their mum is taking a supplement that contains vitamin D herself.
However, babies who are having more than 500ml of infant formula a day shouldn’t be given vitamin supplements because milk formulas are fortified with vitamins A, C and D and other nutrients.
If you’re planning on giving your child/children vitamins, make sure you stick to the recommended dose and don’t give them more than one supplement at a time.
For instance, cod liver oil contains vitamins A and D, and so do vitamin drops, so there’s no need to give them both of these things.