As I write, right now, I feel okay. I have much more of a handle on these gut problems than I did two years ago. During one rehearsal in November 2019, I was found in tears, doubled up in pain in a dressing room. I don’t believe I will be in that situation again.
In some ways, IBS has made me healthier. I’ve also found, through mentioning it in conversation, that a number of my friends have IBS too, and some of us have shared resources and insights, or are just able to empathise with each other.
It’s not been easy or quick to get to this stage, but it’s been worth it. I still get pain sometimes, and my lunches at work can be very dull. But I’m much more aware of what to do or not do. And — major milestone — recently, I went to my first Zumba class in two years! I completed the class, walked in through my front door and did a little happy dance. By the time you read this, I’ll have been to another. If I can Zumba, I know I’m managing my IBS.