When your HPA axis is constantly being triggered by stress, it can alter how your HPG axis works and play havoc with your sex hormones.
Over time, this can lead to a condition called hypothalamic amenorrhoea (HA).10
HA is when a region in your brain called the hypothalamus stops working effectively.10
It can stop giving the correct signals to the rest of your body to produce the sex hormones needed for ovulation and also menstruation. This can then lead to a lack of menstruation, which is what’s known as HA.10
If you think about it, this response makes a lot of sense.
As mentioned, your body doesn’t know that you’re stressed because you have a deadline coming up, so it may respond to chronic stress as if you’re in a potentially life-threatening situation.6 And the last thing you need when you’re in a life-threatening situation is the ability to conceive. So, your body tries to prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation, meaning you also don’t get your period.
Of course, if you’re trying for a baby, it’s a source of anxiety if your periods suddenly go missing or
become less regular. Even if you’re not on a fertility journey, missing, late or early periods can also become a source of stress.
It’s important to note, however, that even if you don’t mind too much that your periods have disappeared, HA is a sign that the hormones in your body have become dysregulated. As a result, HA can have serious long-term consequences, including premature osteoporosis (thinning of the bones),11 so it’s important to consult your doctor if you think you have HA.