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Feeling low or sensitive? Ready to burst into tears at the smallest thing? Many of us feel under pressure to downplay our feelings and just get on with things. Don't be afraid to take the time you need - and deserve - to find out what your body's trying to say.

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Are you listening to your premenstrual mood?

Dr Colleen Fogarty Draper highlights how hormones can affect your emotions - and what you can do about it

Feeling low or sensitive? Ready to burst into tears at the smallest thing It's easy to dismiss these emotions as symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) but there's a big chance they could be a sign of other things going on in your life right now. The week before you start to menstruate, your oestrogen and progesterone levels decline - and some women can have a strong reaction to this dip.

Many of us have learned to view these feelings as 'just PMS' and think if we hold on for a few more days, we'll be OK. But if you experience strong emotions - such as anxiety, or extreme responses to everyday situations - it's very likely your body is trying to tell you something. Are your emotions getting big and loud, demanding your attention? Many of us feel under pressure to dismiss or downplay our feelings and just get on with things. Don't be afraid to take the time you need - and deserve - to find out what your body's trying to say

Taking a step back

A pause to understand where you are in your cycle can help, and our tracker or a menstrual cycle app may bring certain patterns to light. Next time you feel tempted to shrug off or ignore your feelings, allow yourself to lean into them instead. Acknowledge their strength, listen to what they're telling you, then take a moment (or more) for some self-care. Follow these tips and learn how to give yourself the support you need

Clear your mind with... meditation

Whether you have 20 minutes or only five, meditation can help calm a busy mind
  1. Find a quiet place then start with a short session, around five or ten minutes 
  2. Sit in a chair or cross legged on the floor as long as your feeling comfortable, it doesn't matter 
  3. Close your eyes and focus on the sensation of your breath as it goes in and out of your body 
  4. If your mind wanders, simply bring if back to your breath whenever you notice yourself feeling distracted 
  5. Be careful not to judge your thoughts - just bring your attention back to breath 
  6. When you are ready, open your eyes and take notice on how your body feels

Countdown to calm

  • Look around you name FIVE things that you can see
  • Next name FOUR things you can hear
  • Reach out and touch THREE different textures - how do they feel
  • Breathe in - try to notice TWO different smells
  • Can you taste ONE thing? Take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
Lady sitting on a yellow sofa reading a book

Reconnect with yourself... by journalling

Consider keeping an emotions diary to track how you feel during each stage of your cycle. If you're using a period tracker app, it may have a journalling option. If not, writing things by hand can help you to process your thoughts. 
Or you could keep a video journal, then watch yourself and reflect during other phases of your cycle. Try getting creative - you can write anything from a poem or lyrics to a list or short story. Whatever you choose, make journalling your new habit.

Find support

If you tend to have a lot of emotions coming up at certain times in your cycle, it may be beneficial to speak to a therapist. While friends and family are often a good place to start, talking therapy can be a wonderful way to optimise your emotional fitness. 

Discussing your emotions with a trained professional may help you to get to the root of how you process your feelings and identify anything underlying them. If you're concerned about your mental wellbeing, seek advice from your preferred healthcare practitioner.

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