Vegan sugar isn’t refined sugar that’s made from sugar cane. You know, the stuff you usually pop in your tea, sprinkle over your cereal or bake with. Vegan sugar is beet sugar though. This is because beet sugar isn’t made from bone char, AKA burnt-up animal bones. The refined sugar-making process involves taking sugar cane stalks and crushing them to separate the juice from the pulp. Then, the juice is processed, filtered and bleached with bone char (it’s the bone char that gives sugar its pure white colour).
It’s worth nothing here that while most white cane sugar does come into contact with animal bones (char), none of this char ends up in the final product we then take home with us.2 Before we move on to the next point, we just wanted to flag one more equally important and interesting thing with you in relation to – brown sugar. This type of sugar is typically made by adding molasses to refined (cane) sugar, which usually means that the manufacturers that use bone char to produce their white sugar will do the same to their brown sugar. So don’t assume that brown is any different because it’s brown, it’s most probably come into contact with animal bones at some point too.3