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Understanding why our skin changes as we age can be great for knowing how to best care for your skin and help it look and feel the best it possibly can!
Our skin is constantly renewing and changing as we age, and this is down to a few different factors...
When we are dehydrated, any fine lines we have become more pronounced. Unfortunately, as we age, it gets harder to keep our skin hydrated.
There are some things you can do to maximize your skin hydration as you age, like:
Here is our guide to the 10 essential nutrients for healthy skin that looks and feels good.
Pigmentation spots or changing skin tones can be an even bigger skin ager than wrinkles! But our skin becomes more susceptible to these changes as we age.
Collagen is the ‘structural support system of our joints, skin and tendons. However, as we age, our bodies’ collagen production starts to slow down, which is why our skin appears less plump and firm, and looser and wrinkled.
Mature skin characteristic changes include:
The loss of elastic tissue (elastin) in the skin can cause the skin to hang loosely and not ‘ping back’ like it used to. This lack of skin elasticity tends to be most noticeable on the face and neck but occurs all over the body.1
As skin ages, it becomes thinner and more fragile. This is because the outer skin layer gets thinner, although the number of cell layers remains the same.
Our skin can look paler and more transparent as we get older due to a decrease in pigment-containing cells (melanocytes).
The leather-like skin you see on some older people is due to changes in connective tissue, called elastosis.
You see it most often on people who spend a lot of time outdoors, like farmers and tradespeople, or sun-tan fans!
Age spots, aka liver spots, are pigmented spots that occur on mostly older skin due to sun-exposed areas.
The sebaceous glands in our skin that produce oil (sebum) to keep our skin moisturised get a little lazy as we get older. This happens mostly in women, especially after the menopause.
It can make it hard to keep the skin hydrated and instead make it dry and itchy.
Skin tags, brown rough patches, warts and other skin blemishes are much more common in older people.
As we get older, the fatty layer of our skin thins, leading to a lack of padding and insulation. This can increase your risk of skin injury and cause you to feel colder than usual.
Good makeup with skin-friendly ingredients is not likely to age your skin – as long as you remember to take it off each and every night of course.
As long as you cleanse your skin gently after wearing makeup all day, wearing makeup should not cause you to age prematurely.
Just make sure not to over cleanse to the point of irritating your skin.
There are lots of other lifestyle factors that can accelerate premature skin ageing, like:
Last updated: 25 April 2022